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Cure Asthma with Homeopathy

Asthma is a disease that erratically affects the lungs. When it strikes, the lungs become inflamed and the airways narrow. The victim’s chest tightens, breathing becomes difficult or wheezy, and a persistent cough may develop. Asthma can be activated by allergies can start from a stressful period of life such as an infection, a grief, or even the birth of…

Classical Homeopathy

Classical homeopathy utilizes a single homeopathic remedy, aimed at simultaneously curing all of the patient’s symptoms both at the physical, emotional and mental levels. It is targeted at treating an individuals tendency to get a certain disease. It follows the principle of individualization according to which, each person has its own susceptibility or immunity levels which thus decides his tendency…

Homeopathy for sport injuries

There are some common sports injuries like an ankle sprain, groin pull, knee injury, tennis elbow, hamstring sprain which one needs to know how to get an effective treatment for the same. Sprains are injuries to ligaments that connect bones to the joint. During sports, there is a wear and tear of these ligaments. Overstretching may cause the tear in…

Homeopathy for Premenstrual Syndrome

Women’s emotions, sure behavior, mood swings throughout sure days of oscillation are affected because of a condition referred to as expelling syndromes (PMS). More or less eighty-fifth of the ladies is affected because of the symptoms of PMS. Symptoms of PMS are abdominal bloating, sore breasts, and abdominal pain, and constipation, cravings for sweets, depressions, and changes in sleep patterns,…

Homeopathy for pleurisy

There is a membrane consisting of a tissue that lies on the inner side of the chest cavity that surrounds the lungs and becomes inflamed this is the condition of pleurisy. Some of the symptoms of pleurisy are as follows: 1. When one breathes or coughs chest pain worsens2. Fever or a cough in some cases3. Shortened breath Some causes…

Homeopathic Treatment for Painful Urination

Stinging, pain or burning in urinations are very common and can also indicate a medical condition that needs attention. This is caused very often when there is a urinary tract infection (UTI), that can be a result of bacterial infection or an inflammation of the urinary tract. This problem is usually seen in women and is less common in males….

Is homeopathy safe for children and pregnant mothers?

There are some very good reasons for pregnant mothers and children to consider homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are safe and they have no side effects and they are prepared by plants, herbs and other substances that are completely non – toxic which are very good for mothers who are breast feeding and also infants. In homeopathic treatment takes the complete…

Homeopathy For Typhoid

What is typhoid? Typhoid is an illness that spreads through contaminated food. Typhoid fever is affected to people when they have food that is contaminated with bacteria in it. After the food containing harmful bacteria is consumed and digested these bacteria get into the bloodstream and are carried by blood cells in the liver, spleen and other body parts.Symptoms of…

Apis Mellifica

Apis mellifica, commonly known as Bee Sting Remedy, is a homeopathic remedy derived from the powdered honey bee. It is used to reduce inflammation that causes pain, redness, and swelling that can be due to bee stings, inflammatory arthritis or any other strong inflammatory reaction involving eyes, throat or urinary tract . Apis Mellifica can treat a lot of conditions…

Homeopathy for hay fever

Hay fever is a common allergy caused due to an allergy to pollen .Pollen is powder produced by plants, trees or flowers in the process of fertilizing other plants , trees or flowers of the same species. .Also, weeds tend to pollinate which is also a cause of allergy for certain people. Symptoms common in Hay fever are a runny…