World Homeopathy Day
Homeopathy Day is being celebrated all over the world on 10th April 2017 on account of 262nd birthday of the founder and father of Homeopathy Dr. Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann’s (born 1755, Germany). To celebrate the journey of Dr. Samuel and to appreciate the noble work he had done, people around thew world celebrate the following week as “World Homeopathy Awareness Week”.
Dr. Hahnemann found the Law of Similima – a natural law. Homeopathic medicines work on this law by creating an artificial medicinal disease stronger than natural disease, it stimulates body’s immune mechanisms to work further strong and fight disease. Once it becomes strong artificial disease developed by medicine is made weak, thus leaving natural disease with stronger immunity to fight disease. Effectively, our own immunity fights the disease which is made stronger with medicine and no artificial assistance is required.