Happy Diwali
Homeosure wishes everyone Happy Diwali. Homeosure believes Diwali is A festival of lights in India. However, things have gone amiss on the whole meaning of this festival. It is more of environmental pollution because of firecrackers.
A large number of doctors in Delhi this year are highly recommending for a cracker-free Diwali and so is our homeopathic clinic Homeosure. Firecrackers not only harming the environment also lead to serious health problems. Worst kind of gasses is emitted by the smoke of these firecrackers and also air pollution has increased by 30 per cent. For those suffering from pulmonary diseases, the toxic air is not only dangerous, but it also causes breathing problems in others.
Elements like copper, cadmium, sulphur, barium and aluminum are present in firecrackers. On bursting crackers emit toxic chemicals and gasses that remain suspended for a long time.
Serious health problems can be caused if one breathes fine particles in firecracker which can lead to the risk of lung inflammation, asthma attacks and like symptoms. Symptoms of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases are caused by exposure to smog and smoke.
While small crackers cause common injuries such as mild burns in the skin some can cause serious damage or injuries.
The children are forced by their parents into the hazardous work of making crackers which are a punishable offense under Child Labour Restraint Act.
Earlier, it was celebrated with divas but slowly it took the form of lights, lighting lamps, candles, and crackers. Nowadays, people burn dangerous firecrackers limitlessly. Crackers have a big hand in polluting our environment. Harmful gasses are produced by substances that are used in making of fire crackers that are hazardous to the health of all living beings. The noise of the crackers causes immense suffering to birds and animals. We have to reach a level of noiseless safe and pollution free Diwali. We can help a poor with money instead of buy crackers in Diwali.
One can send Diwali images, rangolis, scraps, designs, painting, greetings, messages, cards, calendar, flash, themes, screensaver and enjoy a noiseless pollution free Diwali. It IS very nice to wish each other by different means.
This is a message that Homeosure wants to convey for Diwali. For any health problems consult Homeosure. For more information on how homeopathy can help various diseases visit www.homeosure.com our Facebook page www.facebook.com/homeosure and www.twitter.com/homeosure .