Breast Cancer Awareness
India is experiencing an unprecedented rise in the number of breast cancer cases across all sections of society, as are also other countries.
For the year 2015, there is an estimated 1,55,000 new cases of breast cancer. Approximately 76,000 women in India are expected to die of breast cancer. The gap only seems to be widening, which means, we need to work on early detection of the said disease.
There is no way we can prevent breast cancer, but its early detection can treat this disease adequately. ONLY with early detection, can we achieve a longer survival. To make people aware of early detection, it is going to need a lot of efforts.
There are different symptoms of breast cancer and in some cases people might not have any symptoms at all. Symptoms can include any change in the size or the shape of the breast, pain in any area of the breast, or discharge from nipple other than breast milk (including blood), and a new lump underarm or in the breast. For any of those signs that worry you, see your doctor right away.
Although screening of breast cancer cannot prevent it, although can certainly help find breast cancer at a stage that is easier to treat. One can take doctor’s advice on the required tests to be performed and when one should go for it.
Homeopathic remedies for cancer are selected after a detailed individualized examination and case analysis which includes the medical history, physical and mental constitution etc. Homeopathic remedy for cancer has been found to delay the progress and to help control symptoms.
Homeopathic remedy for all types of breast cancer is different. Different symptoms in different patients will require a different remedy. Homeopathy is safe and non- toxic system of medicine but it requires a serious study.
www.facebook.com/homeosure , www.twitter.com/homeosure to get more details.
Dr Chhavi Bansal is a qualified homeopath if you wish to use homeopathy when cancer is present.