Classical Homeopathy

Classical Homeopathy for Hair Loss
A healthy head of hair is a sign of physical well being, beauty and is closely tied to self-esteem. Hair loss is a symptom of unbalanced human organisms. Symptoms are simply a body’s way of expressing an imbalance in mental, physical and emotional state and life circumstances.
Causes of hair loss are:
- Serious illness
- Psychological stress
- Hormonal changes
- Medication side effects
- Poor diet
- Heavy mental toxicity
On managing hair Loss
- Underlying Scalp infection or hormonal illness, etc. The recovery from underlying illness can ensure regaining of hair which can be done through a good homeopathic doctor
- Numbers of micro nutrients are required for regain of hair.
- Drugs, alcohol, tobacco and smoking are also responsible for hair loss.
- Hair message can improve circulation and perk up dried hair.
- Building a strong immunity that helps keep infections far off.
Classical homeopathic treatment involves careful examination of the entire person, including symptoms, general health, emotional state and life circumstances. The prescribed remedy positively affects a patient in curing hair loss.