Know more Facts about Constipation
Constipation has become the most common gastrointestinal problem everywhere in the world and can manifest in varied expressions ranging from bloating or abdominal pains to irregular bowel activity, straining, small or hard and dry stools, unsatisfactory motions etc. Chronic constipation is an all-too-common problem rarely discussed in polite company and only reluctantly mentioned to doctor. Yet this hesitance can perpetuate mistaken beliefs about its consequences, causes and treatment, and often results in failure to get effective relief.
For every disease that is becoming common, LIFESTYLE changes has been the most important cause. Let us find out why constipation has become more common and what are the other causes of constipation:
- LIFESTYLE Changes like
- Poor Diet –Diet low in fibre, fruits and vegetables. Increased consumption of packed and processed food. Poor intake of water
- Lack of Physical Activity – Sedentary lifestyle
- High Stress
- Certain Medications that interfere with bowel activity like antidepressants, iron, calcium, aluminium containing antacids
- FUNCTIONAL Disorders like
- Food sensitivity or Food allergy
- SIBO (Small intestinal bacteria overgrowth)
- Dysbiosis (imbalance between good and not so good gut bacteria)
- Leaky Gut
- Nutriet Insufficiency (like Magnesium)
- Certain Diseases
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Kidney Diseases
- Scleroderma
- Thyroid disorders
- Colon Cancer
We can find solution to constipation majorly by changing our diet like:
- Increasing our digesrtive fibre intake
- Incorporating fermented foods in our
- Increase intake of fruits, fluids and water
- Do not take much antacids
- Take Probiotics
Other than dietary modifications, constipation can be made better with certain changes like:
- Finding food sensitivities and avoiding them
- Creating a bathroom routine – it would be retraining your GUT if you make a routine of spending same time in your washroom at a particular time
- Never ignore your urge to eat
- Go for complete digestives stool analysis to rule out any kind of infection of dysbiosis
With all these, MOST IMPORTANT IS ADDING PHYSICAL EXERCISES. As it does not relieve only constipation but also keeps normal functioning of our body fit and healthy.