Why Antacids are not the best way to cure Acidity
The occurrence of acidity is rising steadily with changing lifestyles and eating habits. If you have experienced burning in throat or stomach especially after eating spicy or outside food or after overeating, belching, sour taste or indigestion this is sign of having acidity. Everyone is quite well aware of natural remedies and various antacids available to control this. Taking those medications may give you instant relief. But have you ever wondered what happens when you take them for prolonged periods?
What is Acidity?
Acidity can be referred to either excessive production of acid or reflux of stomach’s acid into the food pipe. Our stomach has some acid secreting cells and this acid formed has many functions to perform like:
- Digestion of proteins
- Enzymatic action
- Fights bacteria
- Defending Food poisoning
- Absorption of certain nutrients like Vitamin B12 and Iron
So, now we can understand that prolonged antacid intake will not just reduce the acid production or secretion BUT will also hamper the functions that need this acid.
Long Term Effects of Prolonged Antacid Intake
Such medicines can develop complications like:
- Rebound hyperacidity
- Antacids containing Aluminium can cause constipation or Aluminium intoxication. They also decrease calcium absorption leading to osteoporosis
- Sodium containing antacids can increase blood Sodium levels
- Decreased Magnesium levels can lead to muscle spasms, irregular heart beat or seizures
- Antacids also decreases effects of acidic drugs like Digoxin, Phenytoin
- With chronic use, there is also risk of development of Colorectal cancer, Osteoporosis, Anaemia, Food allergies
Simple and Other ways to Control “This” Hyperacidity
- Losing weight if you are overweight
- Avoiding certain foods that promote acid reflux like Tea, Coffee, Citrus fruits, Chocolates, Spicy foods
- Eat Slowly, do not gulp down
- Take a Good Sleep
- Curb Stress
- Probiotics and Digestive enzymes can also help in overcoming acidity