Preventive Healthcare

Simple Tips to Avoid any Disease in this Monsoon
Monsoon is here with a bang. Rains are always welcomed with both hands as it gives us some relief from smoking heat and the drought BUT with every monsoons there is a higher risk of many water borne diseases which can be very well prevented with some precautions. We will discuss the same in this blog:
- Cough and cold becomes much more prevalent even with approaching monsoons as viruses thrive better in humid weather. Cough and colds are usually caused by viral infections or sometimes some bacterial growths
- Also, mosquito bitten diseases like Malaria and Dengue also rises as mosquitoes breed more in dirty water. With rains, there is more accumulation of dirty water which forms a platform for increased mosquito breeding
Food items get contaminated easily because of humidity and increased bacterial and viral activities and consumption of such contaminated food can develop into diseases like:
- Typhoid– caused by a bacteria “Salmonella Typhii” which can manifest with mild to severe symptoms that includes fever, abdominal pains, headaches, skin rashes and usually transmitted through poor hygiene and sanitation measures
- Hepatitis A – caused by a virus which is transmitted through poor hygiene and sanitation measures and presents with gastric symptoms and fever, jaundice, malaise and lethargy
- Cholera and Diarrhoea – caused by bacterial infections and also a result of poor hygiene and sanitation mostly
- Food poisonings – mostly a result of poor hygiene, such infections can also develop in packed or tinned foods and is a result of bacterial multiplications
Some quick tips for preventing water borne diseases:
- Do not stay wet for long – Try to change your clothing’s as early as possible as staying wet hampers your immunity and helps viruses and bacteria’s multiply early
- Decrease the use of air conditioners– Try to have more of fresh air as air conditioners keeps atmosphere humidified and thus promotes viral and bacterial multiplication
- Maintain hygiene – Wash your hands frequently especially before meals. Do not or avoid outside meals. Drink purified or boiled water. Do not let water accumulate anywhere around you
- Stick to homemade foods
- Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of fluids but avoid outside juices and water
- Boost your immunity – Keep yourself hydrated and eat a healthy diet which includes fresh fruits and vegetables. Maintain hygiene and keep exercising
- Use mosquito repellents or nets and Wear full clothes to avoid mosquito bites.
So apart from carrying an umbrella these tips will help you to Avoid any Disease in this Monsoon.
Stay Healthy Stay Happy!!